Excalibur was one
of the first higher
priced format
comics that
Marvel produced
and the early
issues had a
'bonus' pin-up on
the back cover.

Inks Paul Neary
This was an
experiment in making
what could easily
have been a
complicated page
appear clearer and
more simple by
keeping a fixed POV
with all of the
characters acting or

Inks Paul Neary
Inferno crossover wraparound cover.

Inks Paul Neary
The original
Pencils-- Paul
Neary and inks.
Black-line art for The Mutant-Massacre
poster. Scanned from the original.
This image saw print as an Excalibur
poster-- the static layout was imposed
by the possibility  the figures may also
have been used in a second Excalibur
Inks By

Joe Rubinstein